Flowman 0.28.0 released


We are happy to announce a fresh and exciting release of Flowman. This release is mainly a maintenance release with a couple of minor improvements

  • New command line options -X and -XX for increasing log level
  • Improve compatibility with MySQL and MariaDB
  • New Maven archetype for quickly setting up a new Flowman project

Of course, this release also contains a bunch of smaller bug fixes and other improvements.

Detailed Changes

  • Improve support for MariaDB / MySQL as data sinks
  • github-245: Bump ejs, @vue/cli-plugin-babel, @vue/cli-plugin-eslint and @vue/cli-service in /flowman-studio-ui
  • github-246: Bump ejs, @vue/cli-plugin-babel, @vue/cli-plugin-eslint and @vue/cli-service in /flowman-server-ui
  • github-247: Automatically generate YAML schemas as part of build process
  • github-248: Bump scss-tokenizer and node-sass in /flowman-server-u
  • github-249: Add new options -X and -XX to increase logging
  • github-251: Support for log4j2 Configuration
  • github-252: Move sftp target into separate plugin
  • github-253: SQL Server relation should support explicit staging table
  • github-254: Use DATETIME2 for timestamps in MS SQL Server
  • github-256: Provide Maven archetype for simple Flowman projects
  • github-258: Support clustered indexes in MS SQL Server


As usual, you can download the latest version from the Download section or directly from GitHub.

Flowman 1.1.0 released

We are happy to announce the release of Flowman 1.1.0. This release contains many small improvements and bugfixes. Flowman now finally supports

Flowman at Smartclip

smartclip is a successful and growing company specialized for online video advertisement. More importantly, smartclip was one of the first companies implementing